Sunday, October 24, 2010



Today was one of those crazy days that makes you shake your head a lot. As in, where did I start and where am I going? It was a day of covering  A LOT of ground-- we sizzled through Arkansas, a wee bit of MO, some of Tennessee and into KY, where we are now. Arriving at the Exit 31 RV Park ( really creative name!) dubbed the “newest Good Sam's RV park in western KY", we were told there was LOTS of room. However, we found the sites to be few, and most of the ones that looked unoccupied had someone's car or tricycle ( Yup, that's right) in it. As we drove around the campground ( small) a second time, a guy flagged us down to tell us that our steps had dropped down, and we had hit ground with them as we were rounding a corner, for the second time......Yes indeedy, those steps were smashed, as in jammed, crooked, and immobile.( Expletive deleted.)
    Bill, who is amazing with tools, picked an obviously empty site (because, as we later found out, it had low water pressure) and got out the come-along and a variety of other tools. Phil, from next door came over to help, while I took Xian away. ( Xian is terrified of our slide-outs, and if he even hears the word, he heads for the woods. He's not into tools that go smash and bang, either.) Lots of banging and what-all going on for a long time, when Xian and I came back to sit on the pavement beside the truck to watch the repair. Pretty soon, I heard Xian growling at something under the truck, which turned out to be a small skunk. By that time I had had it, and Xian and I fled to the camper. Not too much later, the steps were smashed back into a semblance of themselves, retractable, and useful-- tomorrow we'll have to find new steps.......!!!!!! We had dinner kinda late tonight.....and in the morning the skunk was gone.
While flying through these southern states I had some quick impressions:
  1. Lotta churches and a lotta car dealerships. ( Are they connected?)
  2. Lotta white cars and trucks. ( Reflects the sun.)
  3. Lotta cotton fields. (Yeah!)
  4. Whole lotta flat ground alongside the highways....
  5. Lotta places with funny names like Pickles Gap-- doesn't that tickle your funny bone? How about Bee Branch-- kinda neat, wonder if they have secret lives? Rabbit Ridge...oh, and Goober Town, how would you like to live there? And the best has been saved for last: TOAD SUCK PARK!!! Don't ask, because I don't know!

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