Sunday, September 19, 2010


Spending time with friends is always enriching, and so it has been the last two days with our friends, Ruthie and Cliff Pollert in Miles City, Montana. We met these wonderful folks in New Mexico 4 years ago, and have been in touch ever since. On our aborted trip to Glacier in 2008, it was here that we took “shelter” for 4 days when it snowed at Glacier and impeded forward progress! We generally just hang out beside their house; drink a few beers, visit, share meals, laughs and stories. Cliff is a scroll saw craftsman par excellence and their home is filled with all sorts of intricate artwork that take the patience of a saint to create. We are also the recipients of some lovely gifts, the latest of which is a funky road runner who will grace our future camping spots as we go on our way! Watch his legs become a blur when the wind comes up!

It's been a quiet, relaxing time, and we really enjoy not having to rush down the road, hunched over the wheel! I'm getting caught up on the blog and making it TOO long; I've been reading HarlenCoben murder mysteries, and putting off cleaning the camper. I've done laundry in their super front-loading machine using a home-brewed detergent that won't hurt the environment or the septic.....and actually gets things clean. I have the recipe,and it makes GALLONS for just pennies. ( You had better watch out, Proctor and Gamble!!) Bill's been tinkering on the camper, taking naps, walking with Cliff and Trixie, the Pomeranian, and plotting our course further. Xian's been eating the cat's and dog's foods and chasing Pixie, the black cat .
Tomorrow we'll be on the road to Glacier, probably arriving there on Thursday. .

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