Sunday, September 26, 2010



   The last time we were in Yellowstone, we saw Old Faithful and the Norris Geyser Basin which I loved. However, I somehow lost all of my Yellowstone photos-- seems to be my thing-- and they were some of my favorites. So it was with great anticipation that I entered the Mammoth Hot Springs area in the hopes of getting some more pics of geothermal activity, which fascinates me.
   No elk in the village today and no Xian in the car-- I'm sure he was glad to stay “home” and sleep on the bed! The hot springs area is just outside the village, and it covers a lot of ground. The upper and lower terraces are joined by a series of  boardwalks and many steps.

   It's too dangerous to walk on the ground, even though it looks plenty safe. People have been known to fall through the thin crust and plunge into scalding hot water below. And more than a few larger animals, I'm betting. We saw some tracks. 
   It probably takes a minimum of 2 hours to see it all; we spent the time but didn't cover all of the ground, I'm certain.  The first stop was the Minerva Terrace formation.

 Maybe you've seen it or the famous pictures of it, steaming water flowing over beautiful rocks of varied oranges and rusts. About ten years ago you could still see this, but a couple of years ago there was an earthquake, which sent the water into different places. This is a characteristic of the hot springs anyway, and the water may appear here again and it may not. There's plenty of it on the other side now! Some is now starting to come up in the village. Anyway, the water stopped flowing over Minerva Terrace which turned white and is so bright as to blind the eyes! Actually, it didn't just "turn" white. That's the color of the travertine, of which these formations consist. The color comes from the microorganisms living in the water, so if there's no water flowing over the travertine, there's no color. In this photo, there is a small amount of water streaming down, and hence the colors.
   I'm sure we spent over two hours at Mammoth. My favorite place was over on the other side near the Canary Hot Spring. I absolutely love the textures on the bottom of the shallow “lake” and could have spent hours photographing it. I'LL BET some wonderful abstract paintings, pastels and pottery could come out of this. I think I'll just post a bunch of my favorite pics and let them speak for themselves. By the way,the patterns and textures are formed by the minerals in the water. As the water cools, minerals drop down, and the action of the water over the minerals causes the most beautiful of patterns. Organic matter-- like the pine branches- also fall in and are coated with the minerals.

   Leaving the hot springs area, we headed back, stopping along the way to photograph some elk in the river. Once down on flat land we stopped into the Association building where Bill just happened to run into the executive director, who took us on a tour of the renovated building. Bill had some ideas to exchange with her regarding Native American participation in the park, and she seemed quite glad for the exchange. A really neat lady.
  We aren't happy to be leaving the park tomorrow- even a week isn't long enough, but two days? We envy the couple we met who are staying for a month!!! The screaming face below says it all! WAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!

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