Bill told me that he had decided in the middle of the night that I would be doing the majority of the driving today. He was tired! Really only fair, since he does most of the driving anyway. I agreed as long as I didn't have to do any of the kind of driving he did yesterday. We got going fairly early, as this was to be another long day. I felt a little stressed for some reason, probably because I had not driven for more than an hour or two each day. But the day was sunny and beautiful, the road straight and flat. How bad could this be?
Hmmmm, seems okay to me! Until we got to Ouray, CO.
Ouray is an incredible town nestled at the foot of steep and majestic mountains. Its main street is lined with businesses sporting late 19th century facades. Quite charming.
Truly a town in which to linger, but not today. Outside of town, at the bottom of one of those majestic mountains, there was a delay for construction. Not long, but long enough to spot the road going up. ( Oh NO!)
But, OH YES!! Up we started to climb; the road seemed narrow. (Bill says there is a standard width for roads, but this seemed narrower than most. ) Maybe because we seemed to achieve a great height without going a great distance. Maybe because there were no guard rails most of the way.
Bill was having a blast snapping photos down into the plunge-- if I looked down I felt dizzy. The road was serpentine, and some of the curves had to be taken at 10 mph. Many of the curves were steep, and the engine was overheating again.
And some of the curves were very sharp-- when you're going around a curve and can see the back of your camper from the side window, you know it's a sharp one. We'd take a curve slowly and just begin to straighten out when along came another sharp curve. My hands were glued to the steering wheel ( Gorilla Glued!) I wanted to hug the center line but had to remember there was traffic coming from the other direction! My heart pounded, and my face was grim; I sat up straight, my mouth took on a closed scream shape, if you can imagine that one! I looked only at the yellow line.....
Bill asked if I wanted to turn the wheel over to him at the next turnout. The real answer was “yes”, but I determined to keep going. Mrs. Intrepid.
Then came the construction. One lane road ahead.
The construction equipment was hanging on the edge, for god's sake, and every worker had to be on a line! No lines for the camper. If we slipped off, we were crumbled toast! Somehow can't imagine 2 tons of truck and camper hanging on belay anyway......
Turns out that this was better for us, because the single lane was on the inside, and there was no oncoming traffic. A breather! Not for long, however,because soon we were back to our sinuous road with oncoming traffic. Jeez, this seemed to go on and on-- into a tunnel, out of a tunnel.
Just as I was beginning to have visions of truck and camper plunging off the side, I sensed that we were going down. ( on the road, not off the side.) Ah, how sweet it was! Seemingly it took no time at all until we were coming out into a flat road bounded on one side with mountains with those flaming aspens spilling down its side.
I was actually able to take my eyes off the yellow line; I could enjoy the gorgeous view with my favorite trees! Hallelujah!! Yee haw!!
Relief lasted too short at time as we began to climb again. It was a bit better this time, although I still had my heart in my mouth. Xian enjoyed the scenery...................................
Bill enjoyed the scenery. Sometimes I could even enjoy the scenery! As they say, this, too shall pass. Eventually we passed out of the pass ( yuk yuk!), and my heart slipped back into place. Whew! Not bad! Would I do this again? Yes. But not today.
Around lunchtime one of the delightful surprises of the day was to be found in Durango at a little park by the Animas River. A lovely young gal, Tasha and her dog Guiness entertained Xian and us while we ate our sandwiches out on the rocks in the river. Guiness loves balls even more than Xian and practically turns himself inside out to get one that's tossed. When he leaps for the ball, he twists in the air, kicks out his back legs and lands with ball in his mouth. Incredible. He and Xian became fast friends, and as a goodbye gift, Xian presented Guiness with his tennis ball. The pics tell it all-- no need for more story.
After lunch we really needed to make time, so Bill drove a good bit of the remaining distance. We made Santa Fe, NM in the very late afternoon, and at day's end, I could well appreciate all the driving Bill had been doing-- especially the Douglas Pass. I was tired, he was tired. Son Doug met us at the campground, and it was a grand reunion. And now, it was time for wine... and chocolate! ( and steaks!) I surmise you can see why none of these photos are mine. Thank you , Bill!